Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Girl Powerrrr!!!

As I was reading my last blog post, I realized that I've already blogged about this Steve character... So here goes some more.. haha I honestly use my blog for memories, so I can look back and laugh at things that's happened to me in my life... One day I'll convert all of my OLD blog posts from Myspace over to here, just so I only have to keep one blog open haha.. Actually I'll probably do that tonight haha..

So Steve and I made dinner plans... I was most definitely not going to his house by myself just to hang out, and I think he realized that, and actually invited me to dinner... In a PUBLIC place.. just like I wanted =) So we had dinner plans at 6.. I was a little nervous because I have only hung out with him at the bar, and one other time for a whole 5 minutes max... I mean we talked on the phone a few times... and we've sent a few text messages.. Oh well... We went to dinner, and as we were walking in the restaraunt (mind you, he didn't even hold the door open) he said "So what's with this park bullshit" I politely responded... "Yeah, I'm pretty responsible, and I would prefer hanging out in a public place to get to know each other" He just rolled his eyes... So I was already prepared for this terrible date.. So we get in, and we order... and we go to sit down, and he isn't saying much... Which I'm not even for sure why we're even there if I'm still going to be the only one talking.. So I make the usual small talk, trying to get a conversation going about work.. or Anything... I was pretty much grasping for ANYTHING to talk about! I get finished eating, and I push my bowl away... He's still eating, and he looks over at me... and he says "So when's the next *&^%ing party" I said... "excuse me" and he repeated himself.. I was so shocked, I wasn't even sure what to say.. So I replied with "I don't party all the time, had I known you before this weekend, then I would have made plans with you instead of going out on Friday or Saturday night" He didn't have much to say to that... which is fine... Then I start talking about this girl I work with, that he actually met the same night I met him.... and he says "I'm never going to the park" and I said.. "you've already told me that" .. and he said "So whens the next *&^%ing party again" I got so upset.. I literally grabbed my phone out of my purse, and looked at it, then put my purse on my shoulder and walked out.. I don't think I've ever been in a situation like that before, nor do I ever want to be involved in another one.. All I can say about this is.... If you're going to be rude to someone you just met... GROW UP.. Noone has time for games.. NOONE especially not me!

On a closing note.. I was off today, and it was grrreat =).. I love off days!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekend came.... and... went!

So the weekend has came and went by so quickly i'm not sure if I can rememeber everything i've done haha... So let's see... Friday I worked all day, then made plans with some people from work to go out, and just get a couple drinks.... We ended up getting wayyyy too many drinks... But all in all it was a good time with good people! Thanks to my co workers for keeping me safe =)

On Friday night while we were all out, I met a guy... Go figure. His name was Steve, and he seemed like a pretty decent guy... evidently all guys seem decent when you're inebriated with alcohol! haha.. So we were supposed to hang out with him and his friends yesterday to watch the Ga tech game.. yes.. he's a ga tech fan... gross. Anyways, I bailed, and he was soo sweet about it... I thought.. He came and met me where I was on his way to watch the game... I thought that was nice... We were supposed to go to this party last night together, and he bailed on me.. He wanted me to go in... say hi to my friends and just leave, and go to his house and watch a movie... Right. I'm way to responsible for that nonsense.. So apparently he ended up getting mad.. He called me this morning, and I told him I already had plans to go to Starbucks with one of my friends, then we were going to watch some much needed football while we were at it... Apparently he and I won't be talking anymore because "i'm too busy for him" That's alright... Any guy that wants to come to my apartment, or me go to his house without actually knowing him, just isn't the right guy for me... And i'm ok with that =)

Well last night, I went to an apartment party and everyone was acting crazzzzyyyy haha.. It was a really good time though! I love Sherika & Ashley =) they're really good, and loyal friends... I can't say that about too many people, but I can about them!

On the last note.. ROLL TIDEEEEEE!!! Alabama won 24-3 against Penn State... woohoo... But on the other bad note.. Va tech lost again =( 16-21 against James Madison... I mean who's even James Madison?? Come on Hokiessss!!!!! I'm not giving up on them yet!

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Single Life...

So as I've said in many posts before, I'm single.. Nothing wrong with that.. So since being single I've met my fair share of "eligible bachelors" and well... I'm not sure if I'd call ANY of them eligible... So let's call this post the bad, the worst, and the ugly.. Now here goes some venting =)

Guys.. If you have a girlfriend you're trying to piss off with me... Grow up.. I mean come on... How old are you??? I'm 27.. I'm not going to hang out with you just because your girlfriend at the time is playing games with you.. I'm not here just for you to use to make someone else mad.. That's ridiculous! Now being as I'm bored.. I'll show you what I'm talking about.. Here's some Facebook posts from the guy.... and the girl... We'll call the guy... "douchebag" and we'll call the girl "stupid" how's that sound =)
"douchebag"Things are getting so much better.... Get rid of the bs and doors start to open. Who'd of known!
So just from re-reading this.. He's talking crap about her... to her... and she's talking about them hanging out tonight... Ridiculous.

Guys.. Get a job! Come on.. it's not that hard! I somehow manage to live in my own apartment, pay all of my bills and still have money left over for fun.. If I can do it... why can't you??? This is the one thing that literally drives me crazy.. I can somewhat overlook you not having a job because your a full time student... But not often... I mean how hard is it to go apply to places and find something... even in school.. One of my best friends went to school full time, and worked 2 jobs... and still managed to make it out alive!

I'm sure this post will go on and on forever, as soon as I can think of other things guys do that just drive me crazy!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This is what happens when...

Wow, I can't believe I haven't used this since February haha.. I just found that funny, in the post in February, I said I was going to pick it up and start blogging all the time again, and here it is September haha..

So as you can imagine alot has happened since February.. My hours at work have picked back up... and as I was reading past posts I realized how terrible work was back then compared to now.. I can honestly say as of right now, everyone at work is getting along... Once again it is very nice to go into work and see all the smiling faces again! It reminds me of how it used to be way back when everything was awesome.. This probably seems odd to people who don't work in the retail world.. If you did, you'd probably understand more about the drama, and how hard it is to work in such a closed space with people you are arguing with... So I'm happy to say it's now over, and everyone is getting along fabulously =).. I will try not to say that too loud though haha... I don't want to jinx the Starbucks family!

Let's see.. My ex boyfriend is now married, and he has a kid apparently... which was a little shocking.. As well as hard to handle being as we've only been broken up for a little over a year, and out comes this girl with his child... Such is life.. I've been sad, and I've laughed about it.. I thought it would have taken 10 years to get over this one guy who I can honestly say I truly loved.. But... as I sit here and think and write about it... I'm over him.. and it feels great.. I do wish him all the luck in the world though.. If that girl was his true soul-mate then I can honestly say, I was happy to have met him on the way!

So now that that's all over with let's get on with the reason for this blog post..
So I've been single for well over a year... and I've known this one guy in particular for probably roughly 9 or 10 months.... when I first met him, he was really cocky... not the good cocky the obnoxious kind of cocky, there is a difference... Anyways... I stopped talking to him because, well I'm not even going to sugar coat this, he seemed rude, as well as a little needy.. So we stopped talking for probably 6 or 7 months.. I recently took a trip up to Monte Sano with a couple of people, and we hiked... and I ran into him... We hung out for about an hour... and it seemed to go fairly well.. He then gets into a relationship and I of course back off.. They end up breaking up, and I invite him out with me and a few close friends for some drinks on a Friday night... As to my surprise he actually shows up! So we're drinking and talking, and I'm like wow.. this guy has really changed! There might be something there now! Yeah, right... So we start talking daily.. which was alright for the most part.. Then I notice a lack in conversation, and more texts that I was sending, and more one word answers he was sending back... So I call up one of my dearest friends, and we decide that since I'm a girl, and I know girls, and he's a guy so he obviously knows guys, that we would be unstoppable in the dating world! Riiiiight!
So he and I were supposed to hang out on Wednesday night, but he told me he couldn't get a sitter.. So I was like alright... I didn't want him to know I was bummed out... So I turned to my guy friend for advice.. and he told me just to tell him that I was going out... So I did... He asked where, and I said I don't know yet.. probably downtown.. In the midst of all of this.. I'm actually just coming home and going to sleep.. I turned my ringer off as to not be disturbed, and I didn't really expect to hear anything else from him... As to my surprise he texted me 19 times.. Mind you.. he never told me he got a sitter and he wanted to hang out... Had I known that, I probably would had just went out with him... Instead of coming home and going to bed..
The next day he is so irate, he won't even talk to me.. he said he doesn't deal with girls who play games.. I was like what?? Me play games?? I don't even know how to play games! I don't know who's right or wrong in this situation, I mean I will take some fall for making my life seem so much more interesting than just coming home and sleeping.. but GAMES??? I think it should take a lot more than missed texts to make someone so mad.. I don't have drama in my life and I like it that way.. If you're looking for a girl that has a lot of drama in their life, or a lot of baggage, that's not me. End of story. I learned a VALUABLE lesson here.. If someone acts like a jerk when you first meet them.. 9 chances out of 10 they're always going to be a jerk.. Just keep moving.. Don't waste your valuable time on people who obviously have emotional issues!

Now.. I know my life might not be as interesting as people who party all the time.. But I'm happy and content.. I don't have any baggage, and I don't have any drama.. If you ask me... That's living a pretty good life =)