Monday, January 25, 2010

It seems..

It seems as if I just piss everyone off... Fantastic. =)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Phone =)

So... I had the most awesome phone ever for well over a year before it broke =(.. For the last 2 months or so I've been using this old phone that I had for years.. pretty much for a back up... Well today, I decided I was going to change my whole technology life.... I swapped services, got a new phone... It was an amazing feeling... With that said... I swapped over around 3 this afternoon and bought a G1 The only problem now is... My services haven't swapped, so I don't even know how awesome it is yet... being as it won't get past the set up gmail screen lol... I guess it will switch itself over tomorrow... I just had the hopes and dreams of playing with it all night tonight lol... So now I'm sitting in front of the tv.. being bored =P


Wednesday I worked all day with Rachael, it was a great day... I then got off of work, talked to my sister for a few minutes... She is going through a rough time.. I called a few friends to see what they were doing, and noone knew anything... So leave it to Sharon =)... I pretty much forced Garrett into going out with us... I just don't know how i persuaded him, honestly lol.. We decided to go to Bridgestreet.. So we got there, and decided to go to Mellow Mushroom.. and while we were there, this guy like falls asleep, and everyone is like covering him in napkins lol.. I think Garrett grabbed a pic.. or a pic of me, one of the 2 lol... I'm not photogenic at all. We then went to Adult Emporium, and I totally picked out my birthday present.. haha j/k ;) Then back to Bridgestreet, and we went to The Station and played roller ball, and some other games... It was just a very fun night... I don't know if I would have had as much fun with anyone else other than Garrett honestly lol.. I went and rented the movie Obsessed with Beyonce in it, and watched that before I went to bed.... It was surprisingly good... I never fell asleep through it, and anyone that knows me knows... If I'm home, and relaxed and watching a movie... 9 chances out of 10 I am going to fall asleep haha.. Just ask Josh and Donny =P

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today was a pretty awesome day if I do say so myself.... I went to work.. While driving to work I watched Ole Faithful turn over to 190,000 miles!!!
That is a whole lot of miles... When my mom bought that car for me it only had 103k on it... I've been everywhere in that car.. The last trip I took with my mom was to Michigan for my cousins wedding... I wish I could have taken more with her before she died... I just seemed to be working all the time =(... Such is life I suppose... I went to Michigan with Rachael in that car... I'll never forget the story about how my windows were iced over, and I had her get out of the sunroof with a bottle of water to pour down it... and all the water came back in on her and I lol... I've been to so many places with that car... I've also fixed so many things, and put in so much money it is ridiculous... But 190,000 miles is a whole lot.. Garrett and Cyndi harrass me the most about it.. I know I need a new car... Desperately bad, but that's my baby... I love that car.. It's never left me stranded *knock on laptop stand* It's always gotten me to and from work... Well besides the couple of times Cyndi had to take me when it was in the shop.. Oh well, you get the idea.... I'll get a new one when mine is completely unfixable =)... It makes me think of my mom too much to get rid of it... I always say.. Everyday without her is a struggle... My car is a constant reminder of how much she loved me.. I'm not ready to give that up yet.... I already had to change my tag lol.. and that's a whole nother story haha..
Anyways, well I got to work, and worked with Rachael all day... we got the truck put up QUICKLY then stood around talking and laughing like we usually do =).. I do love working with her.. She definitely brightens up my day alot... I got off work.. Paid the utility bill... The dreaded utility bill... I think that's the one bill I seriously hate to pay... But oh well... I have power for another month lol.. And now I am home.. I think my sister is going to come over... So I'll hang out with her for a while... Then get to bed... I need a new book to read.. I've been trying to find one... But it just seems like no book I pick up could ever compare to the Twilight series... So I'm stuck in a rut =(... Oh well.. I'll find one eventually...


Monday was a good day... I woke up, went to work... Only to find out I was working with Brandi =).. Our survey scores jumped up 60 points!! So we recieved alot of recognition for that... It was fabulous!! Martin Luther King day though, so alot and I do mean ALOT of people were out of work.. So it kept us busy majority of the day... It was a really good day at work... I was on my lunch break.. and this guy who has been trying to get me to go out with him for like 3 months or so texted me to meet him for drinks, at the Westin's bar after work.. So I finally said yes, after 3 long months lol.. I arrived there around 7 or so... and we talked about everything you shouldn't talk about on your first date... Ex's.. Religion... and Politics, and found out we have absolutely nothing in common on any of the 3 subjects.... but it didn't matter.. He was probably one of the nicest guys I have met in a long time!! I was very thankful. I am really looking forward to hanging out with him more often.. and just being allowed to just be myself around guys again... It was definitely a really nice change... So thank you Dan!! =)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Saturday & Sunday!!!

On Saturday we woke up around 10... and didn't even have a hangover.. =) It was great!!! We decided to go out to Donny's families house for a while... Josh decided he had other plans for us.. He bought a piano.. Donny and I just wanted to get to Russelville before it started raining even harder than it already was.. So we got the piano... took it home, and it looks great in their living room... We made it to Uncle Reg's about 3.. then drove over to Mossy's and had lunch with them... I love his family... they welcomed me with open arms... and They make me feel right at home... Saturday night we got home, and watched the movie The Holiday (special thanks to Cyndi for getting it for me!!) and went to sleep right after..

Sunday, we woke up at 11.. yes, 11.. I don't think I have ever slept that late in my whole entire life lol.. We didn't do anything, just had a great lazy day... I left around 3... I wasn't ready to come home, but I wanted to beat the rain... So I got home around 4... and called up some friends to see what they were doing.. One guy was doing nothing.. Another had some friends over.. Another was at work... So I decided to go out and see Reggie for a while =) it was fun... but cold.. So we went back to his place, and watched some lame tv shows haha... I then went and met this random guy.. well the guy that wasn't doing anything... Just because I was out that way and I thought it would be totally awesome to tell someone, I met a random guy at a Piggly Wiggly, and I so did =)
I got home, and then went to sleep only to wake up, and be the only person I know working on Martin Luther King day!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010


So I worked a pretty short shift today, it seemed to go by rather quickly.. I figured out the more stuff you do to keep you busy, the faster the day goes by.. Unless I'm working with Rach.. Then I want time to slowly drag lol... All we ever do is talk about our lives, and it is very comforting knowing I'm not the only crazy one lol... I left work at 3 today, and rushed home to grab my things and rush out the door.. I wanted to try to make it to Florence by 5.. I was a little late.. lol I got here, and Donny's best friend Brannon arrived shortly after.. He was complaining about his headlight being out.. I wanted to take a picture so bad.. Seeing 2 gay guys look at a headlight to try to fix it is the funniest thing you will ever see.. I really needed my camera.. We went to Outback for dinner... and Now we are back at his house getting ready to get our drink on =)... I do love alcohol.. To an extent lol... It makes you forget about everything that's going on... Well for the time being anyways. Off to drinking we go =)

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I'm so thankful I only have 1 more day to work this week... Today has been stressful... My boss's dad is not doing so well... He's in the hospital right now... She's completely stressed out, and for good reason... but it does take a toll on her attitude, as well as ours... If she's in a foul mood.. then we are too, unfortunately. Oh well, I just have to make it through one more day.. Then it's party time!!! Donny turns 31 on the 24th of this Month... So we're going to start the celebration early... I am very excited.. I love birthdays!! I'm hoping to be in Florence tomorrow night by 5, 6 at the latest.. I do not plan on returning home any earlier than 8 on Sunday night... I need to get away!!! This is going to be my last weekend off for a while... for reasons I am sure I will share as this blog goes on lol.. So i better do it right, one last time.


2010 In Fast Forward until Now.

Jan 1st - New Years. I didn't do much.. I stayed home and watched the ball drop on t.v. Made my New Years resolution... "Move on with my life, stop dwelling so much on the past... and make this the best year yet." Then woke up and went to work... I got a surprise during my day though.... Donny and Josh were coming into town to spend my weekend off here =) It was a nice New Years day after work =) Donny and I decided to go club hopping and we ended up going to 3 different bars/clubs... I should never drink that much ever again...

Jan 2nd - We woke up, and decided to go shopping... Somehow we ended up in Chatanooga... It was VERY cold... We didn't leave until around 7... we actually got lost on the way home, Josh took a wrong turn... I started feeling like I was running a fever.. Little did I know, that fever was about to cost me 4 days of work lol..

Jan 3rd - Josh and Donny left... I remained inside. SICK.

Jan 4th - Sick.. home from work.

Jan 5th - Sick.. home from work.

Jan 6th - Sick. Left work at 11.

Jan 7th - Sick.. but recovering.. I woke up to the most snow I've ever seen in Alabama, and also.. ALABAMA WINS THE 2009 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!!!! I think that's how I recovered so quickly =)

Jan 8th - 100% recovered.

Jan 9th - Worked.. Then went to Sandy's and played the wii with Sarah and had dinner... Then came home, and got ready to go into work on Sunday...

Jan 10th - Work at 1:30.. I was working, and Michael just pops in unexpectedly... It was actually a nice surprise... Rach also popped in after her date... So i had a lot of visitors that night =)

Jan 11th - Worked... I got off at 3:30 waited on the cable guy to get here to fix yet more problems with Comcast.. He came then I left and went and saw Garrett.. We went and had dinner together and then I left to go hang out with Michael... I decided it was too cold to be standing outside so then I went back to Garrett's and ended up sleeping over =) it was fun... I love sleep overs!!!

Jan 12th - I pretty much spent my whole entire day off sleeping, and resting up from the night before... i don't remember doing much else lol

Jan 13th - Worked.. Then went to Cyndi's and had a much needed girls night.. You know... talk about boys.. our ex's ALWAYS come up into conversation, as we're making fun of them... She told me about this blog... and now I'm blogging!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2009 In Rewind =)

December - I worked really hard for the majority of December... In retail, everyday after Thanksgiving is a very busy time!! Christmas time snuck up on me way before I was even ready for it... but it was great.. Christmas Eve is the one time a year that I actually plan on spending the night at Sandy's, and sharing the bed with Sarah. I missed my mom very much. I remember on the 12th I couldn't even sleep. I couldn't do anything... I think this is when I actually let go. I cried for hours and hours about everything. From the 12th on, I felt like a new person, and I actually realized what my New Years Resolution was going to be..

November - I don't really remember much about the beginning of November, I think because of Thanksgiving.. I did have a good Thanksgiving though with Donny and his family... I sure do love Uncle Reg =) .. Also... New Moon came out =) And my sister and I went to see the midnight showing... i couldn't wait... I had plans to even go see it with Nick long before I knew what was going to happen... I thought about Nick on our anniversary... Until I realized it isn't worth my time anymore... There are other things I should be thinking about, other than the things that are out of my control... Deep Depression slowly coming to an end.

October - Halloween. I spent my weekend at Donny's and worked. I went trick or treating with My Sister, Sarah, and her cousin.. Also, alot of drama at work started, I didn't realize that it was going to continue for a few months.. I'm glad that is over.. Continuing my deep depression of 09.

September - My promise ring line around my finger finally disappeared only continuing my Deep Depression.

August - Would have been mom's 59th birthday. Donny and Josh moved to Florence. Deep Depression continuing.

July - This is the Month... The Month that ended all. July 4th came and went so quick, Nick and I, along with Cyndi, met his parents in Scottsboro, and saw the fireworks there... Nick and I took a walk, while his parents sat in some rocking chairs, and Cyndi saw her friend and started talking to her... Nick and I talked about alot of things... I didn't realize that was going to be one of the last talks we ever had.. On July 18th.. Nick decided he wasn't inlove with me any longer... and we parted ways... On July 18th I started a very deep depression I didn't think I was ever going to manage to get out of.

June - Nick went to Daytona for a vacation with his parents.. I worked.. He seemed to have had a good time, and brought me back a load of souveniers =)... I missed him dearly while he was gone, but I was happy he had a good time with his family! I got the worst sunburn of my life.. I was so inlove with Nick it was unhealthy.

May- Nick and I were still very much inlove.. I don't remember if we did anything out of the ordinary in May or not... I do know, he took a week or so off, and spent it here =)

April - Sarah's 5th birthday was on the 29th.. Nick and I decided to take Sarah to Georgia and to Panopoly to celebrate, and she had a wonderful time... We did too... She loved Nick's psp more than anything!!!

March - Easter. Nick and I celebrated Easter in Arab, with Sarah, my sister, and the rest of my family.. We got Sarah a basket, and a few odds and ends to go in it... One was a kite, Nick tried for hours to get that thing to fly... It just didn't want to... I finally got my promise ring! I loved it... It was the best belated birthday gift ever.

February - My birthday.. This was the best birthday ever.. Nick got me, chanel earings... Juicy Couture perfume... My promise ring... I ended up losing the diamond out of helping Sandy move.. lol He and I celebrated my birthday with 23 of my closest friends... I had way too much to drink... and he took such good care of me! Our love was only growing stronger..

January - Nick and I took a trip to the Aquarium and the Imax in Chatanooga, and also attended his Grandfathers 80th birthday!!! I met his whole entire family, not just his parents... and we had a great time... We ended up ringing in the year together at Sandy's and just had some grape juice, and watched the ball drop... I loved kissing him...