Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2009 In Rewind =)

December - I worked really hard for the majority of December... In retail, everyday after Thanksgiving is a very busy time!! Christmas time snuck up on me way before I was even ready for it... but it was great.. Christmas Eve is the one time a year that I actually plan on spending the night at Sandy's, and sharing the bed with Sarah. I missed my mom very much. I remember on the 12th I couldn't even sleep. I couldn't do anything... I think this is when I actually let go. I cried for hours and hours about everything. From the 12th on, I felt like a new person, and I actually realized what my New Years Resolution was going to be..

November - I don't really remember much about the beginning of November, I think because of Thanksgiving.. I did have a good Thanksgiving though with Donny and his family... I sure do love Uncle Reg =) .. Also... New Moon came out =) And my sister and I went to see the midnight showing... i couldn't wait... I had plans to even go see it with Nick long before I knew what was going to happen... I thought about Nick on our anniversary... Until I realized it isn't worth my time anymore... There are other things I should be thinking about, other than the things that are out of my control... Deep Depression slowly coming to an end.

October - Halloween. I spent my weekend at Donny's and worked. I went trick or treating with My Sister, Sarah, and her cousin.. Also, alot of drama at work started, I didn't realize that it was going to continue for a few months.. I'm glad that is over.. Continuing my deep depression of 09.

September - My promise ring line around my finger finally disappeared only continuing my Deep Depression.

August - Would have been mom's 59th birthday. Donny and Josh moved to Florence. Deep Depression continuing.

July - This is the Month... The Month that ended all. July 4th came and went so quick, Nick and I, along with Cyndi, met his parents in Scottsboro, and saw the fireworks there... Nick and I took a walk, while his parents sat in some rocking chairs, and Cyndi saw her friend and started talking to her... Nick and I talked about alot of things... I didn't realize that was going to be one of the last talks we ever had.. On July 18th.. Nick decided he wasn't inlove with me any longer... and we parted ways... On July 18th I started a very deep depression I didn't think I was ever going to manage to get out of.

June - Nick went to Daytona for a vacation with his parents.. I worked.. He seemed to have had a good time, and brought me back a load of souveniers =)... I missed him dearly while he was gone, but I was happy he had a good time with his family! I got the worst sunburn of my life.. I was so inlove with Nick it was unhealthy.

May- Nick and I were still very much inlove.. I don't remember if we did anything out of the ordinary in May or not... I do know, he took a week or so off, and spent it here =)

April - Sarah's 5th birthday was on the 29th.. Nick and I decided to take Sarah to Georgia and to Panopoly to celebrate, and she had a wonderful time... We did too... She loved Nick's psp more than anything!!!

March - Easter. Nick and I celebrated Easter in Arab, with Sarah, my sister, and the rest of my family.. We got Sarah a basket, and a few odds and ends to go in it... One was a kite, Nick tried for hours to get that thing to fly... It just didn't want to... I finally got my promise ring! I loved it... It was the best belated birthday gift ever.

February - My birthday.. This was the best birthday ever.. Nick got me, chanel earings... Juicy Couture perfume... My promise ring... I ended up losing the diamond out of helping Sandy move.. lol He and I celebrated my birthday with 23 of my closest friends... I had way too much to drink... and he took such good care of me! Our love was only growing stronger..

January - Nick and I took a trip to the Aquarium and the Imax in Chatanooga, and also attended his Grandfathers 80th birthday!!! I met his whole entire family, not just his parents... and we had a great time... We ended up ringing in the year together at Sandy's and just had some grape juice, and watched the ball drop... I loved kissing him...


  1. That chick on the July 4th was my cousin. My 2009 recap wasn't this interesting... :\

  2. Oh, i thought it was your friend lol my bad.. i'll fix that later.. when i add pics!
