Thursday, January 21, 2010


Wednesday I worked all day with Rachael, it was a great day... I then got off of work, talked to my sister for a few minutes... She is going through a rough time.. I called a few friends to see what they were doing, and noone knew anything... So leave it to Sharon =)... I pretty much forced Garrett into going out with us... I just don't know how i persuaded him, honestly lol.. We decided to go to Bridgestreet.. So we got there, and decided to go to Mellow Mushroom.. and while we were there, this guy like falls asleep, and everyone is like covering him in napkins lol.. I think Garrett grabbed a pic.. or a pic of me, one of the 2 lol... I'm not photogenic at all. We then went to Adult Emporium, and I totally picked out my birthday present.. haha j/k ;) Then back to Bridgestreet, and we went to The Station and played roller ball, and some other games... It was just a very fun night... I don't know if I would have had as much fun with anyone else other than Garrett honestly lol.. I went and rented the movie Obsessed with Beyonce in it, and watched that before I went to bed.... It was surprisingly good... I never fell asleep through it, and anyone that knows me knows... If I'm home, and relaxed and watching a movie... 9 chances out of 10 I am going to fall asleep haha.. Just ask Josh and Donny =P

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